Become a sponsor!

Companies interested in sponsoring the School may contact the secretariat at or Prof. Maurizio Benaglia. All advertising material should be sent to:

Prof. Maurizio Benaglia
c/o Dipartimento di Chimica - Università degli Studi di Milano,
Via Golgi, 19
20133 Milano, IT
Tel. +39 02 50314171

Multiple levels of Sponsorship are available:

Bronze sponsorships

(less than 1000 euros). We provide visibility to sponsors by displaying their company logo on our homepage website.

Silver sponsorships

(at least 1000 euros). In addition to the bronze sponsorship, we provide visibility to sponsors by displaying their company logo during the various sessions of the School (coffee breaks, breaks between lectures ...). The logo will be also printed on the school program which will be distributed to all participants.

Gold sponsorships

(higher than 2000 euros). In addition to the silver sponsorship, we offer the possibility of distributing advertising material (or any other document) to all participants of the school. This material could be accessible in electronic format (pdf file, short video presentation, etc.) or in hard copy, and will be delivered to all participants.

Regardless the type of sponsorship, we offer also an advertisement through our twitter channel. Please note that the distribution of gadgets with brand logo is always allowed.
As a novelty of this edition, if four (or more) delegates from the same company sign up for ISPROCHEM 2024, the company is considered as a sponsor! Don't miss this opportunity!